Julie Bowersett


Blog Writing Course Alumni

From Guide to Art Schools



Bag of the Week 12

Screen Play with 3D Bugs

What happened to spring?  After several days of beautiful, warm weather the temps here in Virginia will drop below freezing tonight.  But I won’t let that deter me from posting a bag that is full of springtime cheer. 

The pattern for this little tote bag is called Screen Play by Nancy Ota.  I love this bag.  I’ve probably made 6 or 8 from this pattern in all sizes.  The pattern includes instructions for four sizes of tote bag.   The body is made from window/pet screen fabric along with 2 or more cottons. 

My bug bag is based on the medium sized tote and measures 13” wide x 9” tall.   I was fortunate to know about a quilt shop in Virginia Beach that stocked dozens of colors of the screen, and I used pink along with some coordinates I purchased at JoAnn Fabrics.  I stitched the bugs on sheer metallic ribbon using Evy Hawkin’s Applied Bugs designs and applied them to the screen before construction.  I also added beads to the body and antennae for some added sparkle.

The Screen Play pattern is a great canvas for all sorts of creative techniques and it is easy to make a bag that is uniquely YOU.  Watch for future BOTW posts showcasing this pattern again.


More Burp Cloths

I found this picture of some burp cloths I made a few years ago for a baby gift and thought I would add them to the one I posted last week.  These were a little simpler as I only bound the edges with a fabric strip.  They were for a momma with a silly sense of humor.  You really can create something fitting to the personality of your friends.  Tina recently posted pictures on Facebook of some darling ones she made with jungle animals and ruffled edges.  I hope these inspire you to try some for your next baby gift.

My posts have been less frequent in the past couple of weeks.  Life has been on a crazy-busy schedule with some travel and a long term project on my work table.  I'm hoping to get cracking again after spring break.  Watch for my Bag of the Week post coming tomorrow.  It will make you think of spring!


Bag of the Week 11

Polymer Clay Necklace Purse

Here’s something a little different this week.  I made this little necklace purse a number of years ago when I was experimenting with polymer clay.  The instructions were published in Belle Armoire magazine, published by Stampington & Company.  Unfortunately, I have gotten rid of all of my old Belle Armoire’s and cannot find information about this article online.  If anyone has old issues and finds the reference I would be grateful if you would share the information in a comment.

The purse was constructed from sheets of polymer clay rolled out with a pasta machine.  These sheets were then molded around a form which was created from layers of corrugated cardboard wrapped in aluminum foil.  Several colors of clay were kneaded together to give a mottled effect and the front and back were stamped with a rubber stamp using metallic gold ink.  Clay beads were added along the sides and bottoms and then the box was cut complete around to form the purse opening.  After baking (the clay is left on the form until after this step) a rattail strap strung with more beads was added.  Lastly, a black tassel was threaded through the bead on the bottom.

This is a unique purse that can be worn like a piece of jewelry.  It is very delicate and fragile so care must be taken when wearing it.  It is 3” by 4”, large enough to hold ID, credit card, money, lipstick and maybe even an iPhone.

Things have been very busy around my house recently.  I am currently working on a long-term home dec project and I am hoping to have a series of posts with pictures coming soon.


Vintage Treasures

I came home from a recent visit with my family toting some new old finds.  My sister gave me a box of old sewing patterns and a bag of wool yarn.  Now, I am not sure what, if anything, I will do with these treasures but vintage items are always fun to look at, and sometimes you learn a thing or two.

I sorted through the box of patterns and pulled out four “Big Four” patterns from the 1960’s

along with six patterns from a company called Spadea. 

Now, I had never heard of Spadea so I did a little internet research.   The most inclusive information can be found in this article at Fuzzy Lizzy Vintage Clothing.  The creators of Spadea Designer Patterns worked with fashion designers in the 1950’s and 60’s to create sewing patterns taken from ready-to-wear garments.  These patterns were unique in their sizing (using RTW sizing) and appearance – there are no printed markings on the pattern pieces, everything is punched or notched and the pattern pieces come precut. 

The previous owner of my patterns must have been a Dinah Shore fan since most of the patterns carry that stars name.

The yarn I received has an interesting history as well.  It was manufactured by the Quinnehticut Woolen Company in Taftville, CT. 

In 1995 the New York Times ran an article about the rebirth of this company under new ownership, who believed in the revitalization of the textile industry.

This lengthy article details the history of the Ponemah Mill (meaning "our future hope," from Longfellow's "Song of Hiawatha"), the mill village of Taftville (all of the original structures are still standing and on the National Historic Register) and the revival under new owners in 1990.  Sadly, it appears that the mill is no longer in operation and has been turned into luxury condos and retail space.  The wool I own looks ideal for felting, one of my favorite things to do with wool yarn.  I might also use it in a needle felting project – I have not put my embellisher to much use recently.  Regardless, I certainly have a rainbow’s worth of lovely colors to choose from.


Simple Gifts

A friend (though not a close friend) has a new baby and I wanted to make a little gift to send to her.  I stitched up this burp cloth with the baby’s name and added some binding and a little ruffle to make it more special.  This couldn’t be easier.  First, I preshrunk the cloth diaper and trimmed the ends to make them square.  I embroidered the baby’s name on one end and bound the other end with a fabric strip.  I made a ruffle and sewed it to the end with the name and then covered the seam with another fabric strip (these strips were cut on the straight of grain).  One trick I have adopted when sewing trim strips like this is to use a decorative stitch to do the final stitching.  In this case I used a serpentine stitch which easily catches both front and back edges of the trim strip without having to worry too much about what is going on underneath.

My friend Kathy once talked to me about the obligation that comes with receiving gifts.  She notes that sometimes a gift is not worth receiving because the gratitude that the giver expects in return is emotionally not worth it.  Or sometimes the recipient is an acquaintance where an elaborate gift would be inappropriate, might even make them uncomfortable.  Other times the situation doesn’t warrant a big gift.  I am always on the lookout for small, simple gifts for those times that you want to tell someone you are thinking about them.    I would love to start a dialog here and have you share ideas for simple but lovely gifts for these occasions, babies, weddings, hostess gifts.  Please share in the comments section.