Julie Bowersett


Blog Writing Course Alumni

From Guide to Art Schools


Entries in corsage (1)


More Handmade Fabric Flowers

Many of you know how much I love fabric flowers (I’ve blogged about Kanzashi flowers several times in the past).  I have been trying my hand at another style of flower recently.  I am combining machine embroidered designs with handmade fabric flowers to create “wearable bouquets”.  My latest creation is something that I made to wear to a workshop I am attending tomorrow night , Inside the Creative BusinessThis gathering is aimed at women–owned creative businesses in the wedding industry.  I am hoping to begin marketing some of my creations, particularly wedding accessories combining hand sewn items with handmade fabric flowers.  I currently have someone working on a logo and brand for me, and am working on a portfolio of items.

The large, blue rose in this pin was created using vintage millinery techniques as were the small rose buds dangling below.  The leaf and hydrangea were both made from machine embroidered designs. 

Most of the materials I use are natural fibers (silk, wool, cotton, linen, rayon) and many are hand-dyed (by me).  I also incorporate beads and other decorative  elements into my pieces.  This piece uses silk velvet, silk dupioni, silk chiffon, hand-dyed silk cording, vintage stamens and glass beads.

I felt like I should wear an example of my work to this workshop since it is the detail and texture of such pieces that really make them stand out (and, hopefully, will make them memorable).  Now, here’s a question for you:  what do you think I should call this piece?  Post your suggestions in the comments section.