Julie Bowersett


Blog Writing Course Alumni

From Guide to Art Schools


Entries in chip it (1)


Color Me Cool

Today was an interesting day.  The DC area was hit with a tremendous storm yesterday that knocked power out for 1.5 million people.  Our house was affected, though we were pretty lucky that much of the surrounding area was not, so we were able to hit the library and some restaurants.  We were also lucky that our power came back on tonight after only 17 hours.  Many will not be so lucky.  Adding to the misery are the current temps near 100 degrees.  And it's only June.  Sigh.

While I was spending my low-tech day catching up on some magazine reading I came across an interesting ad which I had to wait for power to check out.  Sherwin Williams has a new feature called Chip It! which allows you to create a customized paint chip card based on any image.   Here's how it works.

First, you have to install the Chip It! button on your tool bar (drag and drop, simple).  Then, when you come across an image on the internet that you like (or on your own computer) you click on the Chip It! button and roll over the image.  A chip card will be generated based on the colors in the picture.  Here are some examples on some of my previous blog pictures.

Couple this with the internet's current sweetheart Pinterest and you could really have some fun.  Last week my monthly sewing guild's program was all about color, and I think this might be a great way of creating a color scheme for sewing projects based on images that are pleasing to one's eye.  Try this one out for yourself.  It's easy and free.

I hope wherever you are that you are cool and comfortable (or warm and cozy).  Tonight I have much to be grateful for.  An extra special thanks to all of the hard-working storm crews who are getting my city back on the grid.  And the fire fighters in this country who are working overtime to combat all of the natural disasters.  I wish all of them an extra dose of cool and comfort tonight.